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Academic year: 2018

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fテスト16 英語

実施日 得点

/100点 クラス     番

16 直前実戦問題⑥


次の英文は,長崎で良太(Ryota)の家にホームステイをしていたトム(Tom)が,アメリカに帰国後,母親と 話をしているところです。これを読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。

Mother: What are you doing?

Tom:  I’m reading an e-mail from Ryota. Mother: Oh, Ryota? 

Tom:  Come here, and read this.

Mother:What is kawaisou?

Tom:   It’s a very diff icult Japanese word. Ryota’s mother cooked a lot of Japanese food for me on the f irst night. It looked good. I asked Ryota how to say “it looks good” in Japanese. He answered, “Oishisou.”


Tom:   Yes. Oishii means “good” and sou means “it looks.”When I said oishisou to them, they were very happy. I was also happy because I could use Japanese. When we f inished dinner, their dog came to our table. I held it in my arms.


Tom:  Yes, I do. It had a ribbon on its ear. I wanted to say “it looks cute” in Japanese.

“Cute” is kawaii in Japanese.So I saw the dog and said kawaisou. Then they were surprised.

Mother: Why?

Tom: In Japanese, kawaisou means “that’s too bad.” If we want to say “it looks cute,” we should use kawairashii.

Mother: That is interesting. Did you have another interesting experience with the Japanese language? Tom:   Yes. When Ryota’s homeroom teacher came to the house, I said to her, “Ocha wa

ikagadesuka?” This means “Would you like some tea?” She said, “Iidesuyo.” I thought she answered “yes, please” because ii meant “good.” So I went to the kitchen and came back with tea. She was surprised and told me that iidesuyo had two different meanings. Mother: Two meanings?

Tom:  Yes. It means “yes, please” and “no, thank you.”


 How are you, Tom? You left Nagasaki two weeks ago. I still remember the one year we spent together. Do you remember the word kawaisou? You said it when you saw our dog. Yesterday, my father and mother were talking about that.

 I have started a volunteer activity at “Nakayoshi Club.” I take care of small children and enjoy talking with them in English there. Some children can speak English well. Next week, people from America will visit our club, and the children will enjoy speaking with them in English.

 I’m waiting for your e-mail. Ryota








16 直前実戦問題⑥

うらへつづく Mother:Japanese is very diff icult.

Tom:   That’s right. But it is really interesting. I hope I can go to Japan again and study Japanese more.

Mother: Someday you can go to Japan, but you can study Japanese in our town. Tom:  How can I do that?

Mother: Many tourists from Japan visit our town. You can talk with them in Japanese.

Tom:  Tomorrow, I will talk about that with my teacher. I think he will help me.

〔注〕 spentspendの過去形  volunteer activity ボランティア活動  held hold(∼を抱く)の過去形 ribbon リボン  cute かわいい  experience 経験  homeroom teacher 担任の先生 meaning 意味  someday いつか  tourist 旅行者

問 1   に適する文をア∼カから1つずつ選び,記号で答えなさい。

ア Dogs are really cute.   イ What does he say? ウ Why do you think so? エ That’s a good idea. オ You like dogs very much.   カ How does he look?

問 2  下線部②で良太がしている具体的な内容を,25字以上35字以内の日本語で答えなさい。なお,句読点も 字数に含みます。

問 3  次の表は下線部④の具体的な例をまとめたものです。( A )∼( D )に入る表現の組み合わせとし て適するものを下のア∼エから1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。

ア A it looks cute B that’s too bad   C no, thank you   D yes, please イ A it looks cute B that’s too bad   C yes, please D no, thank you ウ A that’s too bad   B it looks cute C no, thank you   D yes, please エ A that’s too bad   B it looks cute C yes, please D no, thank you 問 4  下線部⑤の具体的な方法としてトムの母親が説明している内容を,20字以上30字以内の日本語で答えな


問 5  本文の内容と合うものをア∼エから1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。

ア Tom stayed in Nagasaki for two weeks and went back to his country. イ The children at Nakayoshi Club will visit America and speak English. ウ Tom thinks Japanese is interesting, so he wants to study it more.

エ Tom’s mother told him to talk about studying Japanese with his teacher.  

kawaisou トムが考えた意味 日本語の実際の意味

( A ) ( B )

iidesuyo トムが考えた意味 良太の担任の先生が伝えたかった意味

( C ) ( D )

問 3

問 5 問 4 問 1 問 2

① ③ ⑥ 問2・問4 各8点,他各4点




fテスト16 英語


 Lucy is a junior high school student and lives in a city with her family. Her mother likes to grow f lowers and loves her beautiful garden. Lucy took good care of the garden with her mother when she was small. But after she became a junior high school student, she always thought,

“This is annoying. I have a lot of other things to do.” One day, when her mother told Lucy to give water to the f lowers, she f inally said, “I don’t want to do it anymore!” Her mother looked ( ① ). She said nothing to Lucy and went out to the garden.

 The next day, Lucy’s mother showed a letter to Lucy. The letter was from a boy to Lucy’s grandfather. In the letter the boy said, “You took care of the f lowers every day. And you did that for forty years! That’s great! I love your beautiful f lowers, and many other people in this town love them, too. Thank you very much, Mr. Miller! I promise you to grow the f lowers as you have always done.”

 After Lucy read the letter, she asked her mother, “ ” Her grandfather died when she was eight years old, so she didn’t know a lot about him. “Yes, he did!” Lucy’s mother answered. She continued, “Your grandfather worked at a small station in a small town and grew many beautiful f lowers around the station for a long time. He got the letter from a boy on his last day of work. He read the letter again and again even after he stopped working. I read the letter after he died, and began to grow f lowers. For beautiful f lowers, we have to give them water every day and sometimes weed the garden. It is necessary to keep doing such work.”

 “Mom, ?” said Lucy. Her mother answered, “Sure! How about going there this Sunday?”

 It was two hours from Lucy’s house to the station by car. Many beautiful f lowers were around it. A young man in a station uniform was giving water to the f lowers. Lucy said to the man,

“Hello, I am Lucy. Nice to meet you. My grandfather worked at this station and grew f lowers here.” He was surprised and said, “Wow! You’re Mr. Miller’s granddaughter! Nice to meet you, too. I loved his beautiful f lowers and promised him to take over his work.” Lucy caught her breath.   She thought, “Is he that boy?” He continued, “It is hard to take care of f lowers every day. But I will keep my word to your grandfather!” Lucy asked, “You wrote a letter to my grandfather, right?” “Yes, I did,” he said. “Thank you very much,” said Lucy with a smile.

 One month later, when Lucy was in the garden with her mother, an old woman spoke to Lucy, “I always enjoy seeing many kinds of f lowers in your garden. It’s hard work to take care of f lowers every day, right?” “Yes, it is. But the work is necessary to keep them beautiful. I learned that from my grandfather,” said Lucy.

〔注〕 grow ∼を育てる(過去形は grew)  annoying 面倒な  anymore これ以上は 

promise to … ∼に…すると約束する  weed the garden 庭の草を取る  in ∼を着ている granddaughter 孫娘  take over ∼ ∼を引き継ぐ  caught her breath 息をのんだ

keep my word 私の約束を守る









16 直前実戦問題⑥ 問 1  次のア∼ウの絵は,本文のある場面を表しています。話の展開にしたがって並べかえ,記号で答えなさ


問 2  ( ① )に適する語をア∼エから1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア happy  イ hungry  ウ proud  エ sad

問 3   に適する文をア∼エから1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア Did my grandfather like cars, too?

イ Did my grandfather grow f lowers, too? ウ Did my grandfather help poor people? エ Did my grandfather work at a station?

問 4   に,本文の内容に合うように英語を書きなさい。

問 5  下線部④において Lucy は具体的にどのようなことを思ったのか,30字程度の日本語で答えなさい。 問 6  次は,本文の続きの対話です。Lucy に代わって に10語以上の英文を書きなさい。英文は2文以上


Old woman: Your grandfather taught you an important thing.

Lucy: Yes, he did. He died f ive years ago. When I am in the garden, I say to him in

my mind, “ ”

Old woman: I’m sure you can do that.

次の意見に対して,あなたはどのように思いますか。あなたの考えを,賛成か反対かを明らかにする1文を 含めて,4文以上の英文で書きなさい。

問 1 問 3

問 5

問 2 問 4

問 6

/ /

問2・問3 各4点,他各8点


Learning a foreign language is important.




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